Thanks for your thoughts Lee...I'd actually love to talk. Might be cool to do a rebutal in the newsletter

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Hi Mike,

Appreciate your post but there a number of gaps around your assumptions - both in terms of how Google labels content like Mr. Beast - and the intent of the messaging.

For your specific house seats, yes the majority of the media should be targeted in those districts. However, the NYTimes just ran a story this weekend about how those swing house seats could come down to people in the city and Long Island who have 2nd homes upstate. Don't think the PACs don't know that as they're looking for any incremental voters - even if there's more waste than not.

Yes, databases are targeted but so is the neighborhood. CRM targeting is a relatively small part of YouTube.

In terms of content, Mr. Beast is often labeled as content suitable for families. It often has the highest co-viewing of any content on YouTube. The fact that you saw election ads (multiple times) on your CTV is sort of testament to the fact that a voter saw the ad. I'm not saying I love it but you're talking about it and so are other families.

My teams help manage campaigns like this. Feel free to reach out and discuss.

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